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 Company President
Rob Davis
Over 20 Years in the PC Industry.

Web design, web hosting, networking, consulting, contract services, computer repairs and upgrades

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 Rob's Resume

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Founded in 1994,Taxi Gatwick Problem Solvers Group, Inc. is based on Honesty, Integrity, and Value. We provide quality computer services to the small business community. Our business has Bitcoin Kurs grown tremendously the past 8 years solely on referrals. We are proud of the fact that we can continue to satisfy the needs of our existing client base, and expand to handle the needs Taxi Heathrow to London future clients. Our commitment to you is to provide timely, high quality service for a fair price. In short, we provide more "Value" for the money. Satisfaction is very important to us. We will do whatever it takes to make sure the job is done right, and that you are pleased with the results.



Our Clients

bullet 20 years PC Repair & Networking
bullet Novell Trained & Certified
bullet Novell Netware
bullet Microsoft Small Business Server
bullet Windows 2000 / Office 2000
bullet Exchange Server
bullet Internet / Intranet Services
bullet Local / Wide Area Networks
bullet Law Office Information Systems
bullet Bucharest Escorts
bullet Lab Testing Equipment
bullet EyeSys Retina Scanning Software
bullet CC-Mail / Lotus Notes / Exchange
bullet Lotus Suite / Microsoft Office Suite   
bullet Ethernet / Token Ring / Fiber Optic
bullet Client/Server or Peer to Peer
bullet Cisco, 3Com, Linksys Routers, etc.
bullet Wireless and Powerline Networking
bullet Data Recovery Software
bullet DLT, DAT, SCSI Backup Systems
bullet Cat-5 Cabling and Testing
bullet Genesis Process Control Software

bullet Dental Practices
bullet Doctors Offices
bullet Agricultural Firms
bullet Auto Parts Companies
bullet Transmission Shops
bullet Electrical Supply
bullet Pharmaceutical Supply
bullet Retail Stores
bullet Chiropractic Offices
bullet Hospitals
bullet Laboratories
bullet C.P.A. Firms
bullet Law Firms
bullet Manufacturing
bullet Industrial
bullet Excavating
bullet Hospitals
bullet Sheriff Departments
bullet State Attorney Offices
bullet Non-Profit Organizations
bullet Portofel Bitcoin
bullet and many others...

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